Author: MSDeveloper

  • My inspiration! A Galah I named Nemo

    My inspiration! A Galah I named Nemo

    If you were to ask me who has inspired me the most in my life? One of my answers would have to be a Galah I named Nemo. A few years ago a friend was driving on a dirt road in outback Australia when he found a Galah on the side of the road, a…

  • Living without a car

    Living without a car

    Living two years without a car has changed me in ways I could never have imagined, and I didn’t realise just how much until I was gifted a rental car for a few days for my 40th birthday.  I was excited! To experience freedom again, knowing I could go anywhere I wanted in my own…

  • The Art of Letting Go

    The Art of Letting Go

    People often ask me “what do you do to create change in your life?” It’s a great question and I’ve never known how to answer it, I never felt I had a process or a formula for creating change and always thought I simply acted in the moment, making decisions and choices based on what…

  • What being raised in a religious cult taught me about life

    What being raised in a religious cult taught me about life

    I was born and raised in a religious cult in Aotearoa, New Zealand until the age of 17.  When the cult fell apart I was thrown into a world I didn’t know or understand. Overcoming my fear of the unknown, I set off on a journey of discovery to learn about life in the real…

  • The Chaos and Confusion of Change

    The Chaos and Confusion of Change

    Outside my comfort zone I don’t know who I am, I’m lost, I know the direction I want to go in and I know where I have come from, but in that middle part I call ‘limbo land’ I have yet to solidify the new me.  The old me doesn’t fit anywhere anymore – it’s…

  • I gave up my career to sell cheese!

    I gave up my career to sell cheese!

    Why would someone with a promising career in the finance industry give it all up to sell cheese? Happiness of course! After years working in the banking and finance industry in various leadership roles and lastly as a self-employed Mortgage Broker, I realised my life had no meaning. I wasn’t happy.  I was caught up…

  • Why do I give my thoughts such power?

    Why do I give my thoughts such power?

    honestly say everything I think and feel from my heart?” Why do I give my thoughts such power?  How long as this been happening? how many decisions have I made in my life based on what my mind has been telling me, rather than what my heart (the real me) wants to do? It was…