honestly say everything I think and feel from my heart?”
Why do I give my thoughts such power? How long as this been happening? how many decisions have I made in my life based on what my mind has been telling me, rather than what my heart (the real me) wants to do?
It was only once I aired a deep fear and openly talked about it that it no longer had power over me, in fact it became laughable! I felt free from that fear. Yet if I had not spoken about it, it would have festered, it would have created a problem within the relationship and I would have changed my behaviour based on my fears, which were false.
I feel like we have lost the art of communication and replaced it with a false bravado, we all too often have conversation based on what we think others expect from us rather than revealing our true selves. Or when we think we are sharing ourselves we are really just regurgitating knowledge we have read or heard somewhere “I think this about that subject”, taking a passionate or opinionated stand for something, but that’s not who we are.
Who are you?
When you stop and ask yourself that question, who are you? yes you might be a mother, a doctor, a man, a woman, an artist, a banker, an athlete, you might like travelling or going to the movies… but that’s not who you are.
What are your passions? What are your hidden secrets? What are your hidden truths? What are your fears? What makes you tick? what motivates you and drives you? who do you share these with?
I know I have kept most of these locked up inside me while trying to carve out my own life separate from conventional society, in a world surrounded by people I have always felt isolated.
It has only been recently, when I have started to have some open and honest conversations with people close to me that I started discovering who I am and finding a deep and meaningful connection to others. I discovered that we all have similar fears and we all have a longing to connect, to be allowed to be who we are.
I’ve realised that the greatest gift anyone can give me is to allow me to be me, with all my crazy thoughts, insecurities, passions, and misled beliefs – to accept me as I am and allow me to express how I feel without judgement. That by doing so, they become part of my journey back to myself.
And in this realisation I know it is the greatest gift I can give to others, non-judgement, complete acceptance when someone is being open and sharing of their true selves. Letting go of all the head stuff that has accumulated and remembering who they really are.
Beneath all our baggage, we are beautiful, and the greatest gift we can give each other is to allow each other the freedom and expression to be truly ourselves in all our glory, without judgement, to move away from fear, isolation and loneliness and return to connection, to community, to acceptance.
The art of real communication is vulnerability and human connection.