


Pain doesn’t have to be a barrier

Pain doesn't have to be a barrier

In today’s blog post, I want to talk about the concept of pain and how we can approach it in our lives. Whether it’s physical pain or emotional pain, we often try to avoid it at all costs. But what if I told you that pain can actually be a guide, a mentor, and a teacher?


I’m not suggesting that we intentionally seek out pain, but rather that we learn to understand it and see it as a necessary part of our journey. Just like when cycling, we don’t stop just because it hurts – we push through. In doing so, we build resilience and strength.


By reframing our approach to pain, we can start asking ourselves important questions: What do I need to learn? What do I need to let go of? What do I need to push through to achieve my goals? When we become comfortable with pain and understand its role in our lives, it no longer becomes a barrier to our success. Instead, it becomes a stepping stone to our growth and progress.


Pain doesn’t have to be a barrier, I wouldn’t be where I am today on my bike, or in life, if I let pain stop me. It’s messy, it’s yucky, it feels downright awful! But that’s what happens when you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, or your learned behaviours, when you are breaking the mould both physically and emotionally.


The amazing thing is, something new opens up and then the process starts all over again, but you’re at the next level, so it keeps getting better, you keep getting stronger, and your resilience and understanding of pain becomes deeper, readying you for the next stage, the next challenge.


So let’s embrace our pain, let’s learn from it, and let’s allow it to guide us toward our desired destination. Because on the other side of fear – and pain – lies freedom, growth, and success.


Remember, It’s your journey, it’s your life, no one else is living it, you deserve to do this for you, and the time is now, don’t wait.