Outside my comfort zone I don’t know who I am, I’m lost, I know the direction I want to go in and I know where I have come from, but in that middle part I call ‘limbo land’ I have yet to solidify the new me. The old me doesn’t fit anywhere anymore – it’s chaos and confusion! I lose my confidence in myself and I question again – who am I?
Yet we owe it to ourselves to evolve, we are living beings in a constant flow of motion and movement. Our minds and our bodies are capable of incredible things. We do not need to be the same person next week, next year or even tomorrow. Every experience, every interaction, every feeling that passes through us is an opportunity to grow, to change, to evolve.
Our idea of who we are is made up of personal experiences, from birth to this point in time. Every time you take yourself outside your comfort zone you challenge your own perception of yourself and you allow self-evolution.
It’s scary! I know, I’ve done it many times and very recently.
When I find myself in limbo land I lean back to the old familiar ways and routines, because that is where my self-confidence often comes from – knowing who I am and having it reflected back at me from familiar people, familiar surroundings, familiar ways of thinking, familiar ways of being and acting in the world.
But it hurts me because I have changed, yet the world hasn’t changed, and this is where the confusion and chaos of limbo land comes from, bouncing back and forth between old and new.
I’ve noticed the things that cause me stress, confuse me, worry me, the things that hurt the most are the things I need to let go of, they are the things that will allow me to evolve.
Holding on to my own idea of myself hurts me. Letting go of that idea, changing my perception of myself, allowing myself new thoughts and new ways of being brings openness, peace of mind and harmony. It brings balance between who I am now, who I choose to be and the actions I am taking to get there.
It’s like shedding an old skin I no longer need. I am still me, at my core, but I have evolved, I am fresh, I am ready for the next part of my journey.
I’ve realised that everything I have been doing to this point of change is still valuable, but valuable in that it will serve me for the next stage of my journey. It was needed, but it is no longer needed.
For me to be the best me in the world, I need to evolve, I need to be open to new ideas and new ways of being. I need to have confidence in me, knowing that I will feel confused, hurt, lost, I will feel many things that don’t feel good! But my confidence comes in the knowledge that it is OK to feel these things, it’s normal to feel these things.
Confidence means I keep moving forward in the direction of my heart and my dreams, the direction of the new me while the old me is still letting go.